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Joined: April 23, 2021 12:13 pm
Last seen: April 25, 2021 2:13 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 11
RE: Awards Final Q&A Session

@susy I have definitely been inspired with all the films I saw, so maybe I'll try my hand at actually getting behind the camera next time:-)! Thank yo...

4 years ago
RE: Awards Final Q&A Session

Congratulations again to the winners for their incredible films, and a BIG thank you to Susy and team for putting together a great program and giving ...

4 years ago
RE: Awards Final Q&A Session

Congratulations to all the winners for your amazing films!

4 years ago
RE: Q and A Session Day Two

@carterlil thank you lily! I would love to talk further about this. I’m originally from Boston. I had to step out but maybe we can talk further? What ...

4 years ago
RE: Q and A Session Day Two

@thejenniferzhang I'm curious as to what some of the challenges filmmakers who worked on feature films encountered, if any. Telling a feature film on ...

4 years ago
RE: Q and A Session Day Two

@carterlil Hi Lily, your film was such a beautiful portrait of a woman and all her truths.

4 years ago
RE: Q and A Session Day Two

@aguillossou I loved your film. I love how the story was told. You really brought the true meaning of art to life.

4 years ago
RE: Q and A Session Day Two

@susy It started out a small project for SHARE, an organization that provides support to women with breast, ovarian or uterine cancer. It's interesti...

4 years ago
RE: Q and A Session Day Two

Hi all. Nice to meet you. I've really enjoyed watching many of the films. Thanks again to Susy and festival team for putting together such a great fes...

4 years ago
RE: Day One Virtual Lobby

@admin would love to be part of the panel.,I will try to be there if I can!

4 years ago
RE: Day One Virtual Lobby

BIG thank you to Susy and to all who worked so hard to put this together. I am excited to be here and meet everyone. Look forward to seeing all the gr...

4 years ago