Last seen: January 29, 2021 5:55 am
@richteatv Those are some crazy statistics, Rich. I never knew that many people in the UK studied media related courses. I understand your gripe wit...
@richteatv Thanks for this advice, Rich, it’s great how much you know your way around the industry 😎. It’s a complicated world, even before any came...
@richteatv That’s very understandable. In the past I have researched production companies to approach with film ideas but none of them were interest...
@richteatv. Yes thanks Rich. I am familiar with the Horror vs. Terror concept, which really interests me, and one screenplay I have written is intende...
@richteatv Thanks for the list, Rich. In your list of 7 genres, how come Horror is listed under thriller, but not something like action? Is horr...
@richteatv thanks for writing this, Rich. It’s great if you to share you’re experience and knowledge. I’ll take your notes onboard in my screenwriting...
@susy thanks for the tag, Susy. I have done amateur screenwriting and have written short and feature scripts I hope to make one day. So I’ll check out...
@susy You talked about some great stuff. Most importantly, how story is the most key factor to any film. But I liked that you talked about sound too, ...
@aguillossou thank you 🙂
@aguillossou Alex, do you have a website, or youtube page? Sorry, I'm not sure I've seen any of your work... I've seen a trailer to one of your films,...
Just finished listening. Well done, everyone, awesome podcast! 🙂
@susy Listening now, Susy. I signed on late, my bad hehe. But the panel's thoughts on sound/audio is very cool. I hate recording live sound, but I lov...
@susy Yes i agree. Does everyone (panel and audience) shoot in 4k for their films??
@susy Thank you very much. The original shot for that was done in 4k. I actually scaled it down to 1080 because the tracking software in Cinema4D slow...