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Mobile film projects.

8 Posts
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Oliver Richards
Posts: 38
Eminent Member Registered
Topic starter

Hi all,


I was wondering what mobile film projects everyone is working on? How are they going and are there any problems people are having? I am currently organising my attic for a short horror film and my biggest problem is that it will only be myself in front and behind the camera haha. Has anyone else done this before? 

I look forward to hearing what everyone is working on :))





Posted : October 3, 2020 5:37 am
Susy reacted
Posts: 179
Estimable Member Registered

Hi Oliver! I have to record a self presentation on video this week. Does that count? 😉 I can't wait to be out recording events. Last year I produced a short Halloween video that was lots of fun. 

Here is that link:  

Looking forward to your film. Really enjoyed your "Vacant" short. Great job!

At the center of everything we experience is a story. Stories are always evolving. The only beginning and end to a story is the one that is told or the one we perceive.

Posted : October 12, 2020 5:19 pm
Oliver Richards
Posts: 38
Eminent Member Registered
Topic starter

@susy Hi Susy. Yes, of course it counts! 🤩  What is the presentation about? The halloween video was great. What phone are you using? The quality was amazing. Also, what is your sound set-up?


Thanks for your comments about Vacant. I've written the film as a feature film screenplay which I have to finish, and can hopefully get made one day... 🙂

Posted : October 13, 2020 1:47 am
Susy reacted
Posts: 179
Estimable Member Registered

@olsburger Hi Oliver! I really really really liked your film, Vacant but I would love love love to see a longer film around your short. Just sayin...

Thanks for your remarks on the Halloween video. I shot it with the iPhone XR. No apps, just native camera. But I shot this film on the eve of Halloween and the next day I produced the video. I had created the music on Garageband for our Halloween podcast. 

Mic was Audio Technica Dynamic mic with XLR a la reporter style. iRig PRE is my setup. I'm in a relationship with XLR mics. LOL 

Share more about your video with us here too.

At the center of everything we experience is a story. Stories are always evolving. The only beginning and end to a story is the one that is told or the one we perceive.

Posted : October 13, 2020 10:14 am
Posts: 179
Estimable Member Registered

@olsburger Actually, you know what? Now that I remember...I did not end up using a mic setup at all. It was an impromptu interview. It's been a year and 2020 has been such a long year! But normally that is what I use. 

At the center of everything we experience is a story. Stories are always evolving. The only beginning and end to a story is the one that is told or the one we perceive.

Posted : October 13, 2020 10:22 am
Oliver Richards
Posts: 38
Eminent Member Registered
Topic starter

@susy Thanks, Susy. I use an iRig Pre too. I was trained in film production using XLR mics so I still think they are best for professional shooting. But I also use a BOYA MM1 microphone which has very good audio quality in a controlled environment.

I want to get good at smartphone audio as I want to make films with dialogue which I haven't done with smartphone, yet lol. 

What's the deal with Halloween this year? Will you get a chance to make another video? I should have made another horror film for halloween, maybe there's still time... 



Posted : October 13, 2020 12:24 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member Registered

I don't know what is going on here in San Diego for Halloween...I've seen virtual Halloween events. I may go out and venture see what I find and create something about the 2020 Halloween. I have not heard of your mic yet. I think it's very important to have good sound for a film even if it's done externally and in post. 🙂 Looking forward to anything you create. You definitely have the talent and skill.

At the center of everything we experience is a story. Stories are always evolving. The only beginning and end to a story is the one that is told or the one we perceive.

Posted : October 13, 2020 12:31 pm
Oliver Richards
Posts: 38
Eminent Member Registered
Topic starter

@susy Sound is vital, certainly. I love doing foley sound for my films. I could search for hours for tiny little sounds to add detail to a shot.


Thanks, I'll be creating new work soon, hopefully. I am currently in the middle of renovating a house, so I've been distracted from filmmaking recently. But I will get back on it soon and Create some new stuff 🙂


Posted : October 13, 2020 1:46 pm
Susy reacted